A Steward’s Calling
I have thought about my calling in Christ quite a bit. In the Bible when Jesus called a person to Himself, He most often simply said, “Follow me.” I was fifteen years old when Jesus reached into my life and said those words to me, and I have been trying to understand His calling on my life ever since.
Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 1:26 to contemplate our calling. Men are not called due to their wisdom, their talents, or their status and stature. God calls out of His strength and provision. Paul points to the believer’s responsibility to steward his call in Ephesians 4:1, as he motivates us “to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called.”
Romans 12: 2 reads, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”
In Romans 12:1, Paul unveils the fact that disciples are to present themselves to God as a living sacrifice, unblemished, holy, and suitable before God. These two verses are calls to transformation for the disciple; what was is no longer, therefore, the believer is something new. The words in these verses describe a new creature that looks different, and stands in contrast to the blemished and unacceptable offerings to God.
Second Timothy 1:6-9 emboldens the believer to embrace and find courage in his alignment with Christ and the calling received from God. The call upon a believer is not due to the believer or for the believer; it is for the glory and purpose of God. It is also worth noting that alignment with Christ and the call of God brings trials, and at times, suffering.
Reflecting on these verses helps me understand my calling as a believer is based on God’s power, purpose, and grace, apart from anything about me as a person. Part of evaluating a call is determining whose purpose we are serving. God empowers our gifts for His purposes (2 Timothy 1:6-9). As stewards of the particular organization and group we are leading, we must realize it is God’s work, and He has called us for a short time to take care of what belongs to Him.
God’s ownership over me is a peaceful covering, but it also causes me to pause and reflect on the great responsibility to conduct my life in a pleasing way as I live out the purposes He has put before me. I am beginning to understand how important it is for me to steward God’s call on my life.
–Howard Rich, CFO
Previously published on Higher Thinking, a blog for Christian Leadership Alliance

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