Church Resources
How your church can engage with least-reached people groups
Fuel the faith of your congregation for those unreached by the Gospel around the world.
Just as we partner with churches a continent away, we also seek to build a partnership with your church, here in North America. We can help you:
- Advance your vision for least-reached people—those who still need to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
- Increase your understanding of mission strategy that effectively reaches least-reached people.
- Complement your mission strategy by providing resources to help you talk about, relate to, and pray for least-reached people.
Reach out to us today to see how Global Disciples can serve the mission vision of your congregation. And give others an opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ.

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Today, God is moving least-reached people into our neighborhoods and cities. Lancaster, Pennsylvania itself is known to have one of the largest populations of newly-arrived refugees, as well as plenty of foreign-exchange students and international neighbors.
How will you reach across culture and language to build bridges to the Savior? The Least-reached in Our Backyard is a FREE downloadable resource from Global Disciples. It explains how you can engage the least-reached in your backyard in practical, down-to-earth ways that build relationships and introduce them to the eternal love and life of Jesus Christ.
Download these Free Resources Now

Mission Possible
Help your mission committee (re)consider their efforts and even recalibrate. This brief e-book shows you how to compliment your local efforts by weaving all your mission efforts into the global mission Christ called us to.

Share Mission Stories Safely
It is one thing for a missionary or local worker in a restricted country to suffer persecution because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is quite another if they are put in harm’s way by the unwitting sharing of their impact by Christian brothers and sisters half a world away. How does your church communicate about what God is doing overseas in a way that does not put our brothers’ and sisters’ safety and ministry at risk? How does your church use technology wisely in communicating with the Body at large?
What Pastors Are Saying
“I simply want to affirm the direction that Global Disciples has taken in regard to church relations. Your approach is us-centered and it’s not a ploy but a strategy to strengthen the partnership between Global and congregations like ours.”
Pastor Jim Laverty, Mountville, PA
“Our church decided to engage with a [specific] unreached people group as a result of attending the Finishing the Task conference. After interviewing a number of mission organizations, we concluded that Global Disciples has the most dynamic presence in Myanmar along with the most fruitful results in terms of disciple-making and church planting activities among unreached groups.”
Mark Ellis, Elder, Laguna Beach, CA
“A recent vision trip had a profound mutual impact on me and my church. We are far beyond a faceless check being written each month and into understanding these are real people, with real stories, and real needs. Our congregants see themselves as real contributors to the work God is doing among the least-reached people of our world.”
Pastor Shawn Otto, Sarasota, FL
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