• Why Least-reached

    Why Least-reached

    "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
    - Jesus' words in Matthew 28:19-20

  • About Us
  • Why Least-reached


    Why Least-reached

    "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
    - Jesus' words in Matthew 28:19-20

  • About Us
  • Get Involved


    Get Involved

    With your help we are able to train leaders living near least-reached communities to multiply disciples.

Why Discipleship

Stories Inspire Us

We’re about people. We see every individual as a symbol of God’s grace. And each person has their own unique story—a story worth sharing.

Stories of Ordinary Disciples

God Provides

Followers of Jesus in Nepal are committed to help to equip church planters and disciple-makers. God honors their faith and generosity in miraculous ways.

Ebsa’s Vision

Ebsa shares his vision as a near-culture mission worker to equip disciples to share Jesus, to plant churches, develop as leaders, and use small business to multiply more disciples across his nation.

Courage in the Classroom

Amita, a 17-year old student in South Asia, participated in a local discipleship-mission training with a vision to share Jesus with her fellow students—a setting with few Christians and guaranteed opposition!

What is a Disciple?

Moses explains how he sees being a disciple of Jesus Christ.

From Questions to Purpose

Ever struggle to feel useful? Do you wonder if God can really use you to share the Gospel with others? Stefan did. Until his struggles led the way to a new purpose and mission in life.

When God Moves

When God directed Beni to take his team of disciple-makers to a gang-controlled community, he had no idea what would happen.



Built for Success

Churches in Africa, Asia, and Latin America have a vision for reaching least-reached people. Global Disciples provides training and start-up help to accomplish their vision.

Date: 21/10/24

Category: General Newsletter Testimony

Tags: life change mindset mission model seed funds small business success sustainability training vision

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Why Wait to Give?

Your retirement assets are a great way to jump in and start giving now while stewarding your money wisely.

Date: 07/10/24

Category: Engagement Generosity

Tags: bucket list causes you care about estate planning generosity giving impact influence retirement taxes volunteering

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Aha! Expanding Your Worldview

There is nothing quite like an authentic conversation among friends, to ask questions, share stories, and expand your worldview.

Date: 23/09/24

Category: Engagement General Newsletter

Tags: connection conversation events gather ’round reaching least-reached vision worldview

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Going a Step Beyond

Teaching a man to fish is rewarding, but equipping God’s people to equip others—that can change the world!

Date: 09/09/24

Category: Engagement General Newsletter Testimony

Tags: community impact disciples small business success sustainability training

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How Do You Want to be Remembered?

Creating a will is a meaningful way to communicate what’s most important to you, elevating it to an act of worship that honors the Lord.

Date: 30/08/24

Category: Engagement General Generosity

Tags: estate planning Family legacy giving values wills

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You Make a Difference!

You are part of our team, and we’re all working together to see that everyone has an opportunity to choose and follow Jesus Christ.

Date: 24/06/24

Category: Engagement General Generosity Testimony

Tags: disciples ministry mission Multiplication new believers new churches partnership Prayer reconciliation support training

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Six Perspectives to Shape Your Giving

Global Disciples exists so that Christ-followers in many nations can be equipped to reach their nations with the Good News of Jesus. We trust God to supply our needs to carry this out, and we invite His people to support these efforts.

Date: 17/06/24

Category: Devotional Generosity

Tags: giving gratitude influence ownership perspectives resources stewards

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Life Change for Leaders

Leadership training from Global Disciples equips leaders in the local church to grow in their relationship with the Lord and in their desire and ability to share the Gospel.

Date: 10/06/24

Category: General Newsletter Testimony

Tags: Family growth Jesus as our model leaders leadership training local church spiritual development transformation

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Leading for the Next Step

“We have done all that we can to ensure that the vision and mission for which Global Disciples was established will continue. I think God’s given us clarity and vision, and I believe that the Board and our senior staff are bought into that vision in a way that we can move ahead with confidence that what people have been investing in and praying for will continue with the same focus.”

Date: 03/06/24

Category: General Newsletter

Tags: Global Disciples leaders Multiplication organization vision

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Equipping People to Reach Their Nations.