Get To Know Us
About Us
One third of our world has not yet heard the Good News of Jesus.
We live in a time where many of those least-reached with the Gospel are within reach of a local church. Through our simple and effective strategy of training and coaching, believers share the Gospel in their own nations and cultures.
Global Disciples helps the church fulfill this mission among unreached people groups.

Global Disciples helps the church fulfill this mission among unreached people groups.
Our Vision
To see that every person has an opportunity to choose and follow Jesus Christ.
Our Prayer
That disciples of Jesus Christ, from many nations and vocations, will embrace this vision and do their part.
Our Mission
To make it possible for clusters of churches to multiply Christ-like disciples and locally-sustainable fellowships among least-reached people.
Our Central Focus
To equip leaders selected by their churches to multiply Christ-like disciples, who multiply churches among least-reached people.
Our Philosophy
That local expressions of the Body of Christ in close proximity to least-reached people are best able to reach them — and we all can help.
Our Values
Our core values set the pattern for relationships, ethics, communications, and dealing with conflict or issues of integrity.
with Jesus
Who we are and what we do flows from our relationship with Christ.
Building trust with our co-workers, partners, and donors is essential.
Risk-Taking Obedience
Obeying Christ requires the courage to risk all for our God-given mission.
Unwavering Integrity
Being authentic, accountable, and truthful in our words and actions.
Serving with Humility
Modeling the way of Jesus is our goal, living selflessly for God’s glory.
Transforming by Prayer
We want our work to be conceived, birthed, and carried out in prayer.

Our Leadership Team
Our leadership team is deeply committed to Christ and rooted in prayer. We serve with humility, strive to build healthy relationships, and walk through life with integrity.
We are a prayer-fueled, mission-focused, Spirit-led group offering our professional abilities and passion to equip our culturally-diverse international team.

Church Resources
We seek to build a partnership with your church here in North America to fuel the faith of your congregation for the unreached. Check out our resources.
Consider becoming a monthly partner
It’s easy and convenient. Consistent giving enables Global Disciples to continue training all year long.