An Answer to Our Prayers
“Global Disciples is an answer to our prayers.”
Romael worked for two years to reach an indigenous tribe in the Amazon region. Then Global Disciples equipped him to train and multiply disciple-makers from his church in Brazil.
“I want to share this most beautiful thing God has done for us,” Romael said, excited after their first-ever training and outreach among this indigenous community.
“There were many decisions for Christ,” he said. “We baptized forty people! And planted three new churches.” Right now, they meet in the open under the mango trees, but they know they will grow. Several disciple-makers are staying to continue sharing the Good News among this indigenous people.
Flavia, his wife, is now training these disciple-makers in leadership, using our model. She said, “I had no idea how to do this. I only had the Word of God. I prayed for mentors to help us.” When she was introduced to Global Disciples, our model for equipping was just what she was looking for.
It’s what we do. As Global Disciples, we have one purpose: to equip people to reach their nations. We believe near-culture workers like Romael and Flavia are the key. We have seen that disciple-makers and church planters are usually most effective in cultures similar to their own.
Flavia and Romael are among the rapidly multiplying number of Latin American leaders using our approach to accomplish the Great Commission. “This is a strategy that is powerful,” Romael said. “It works! In less than a year, we have reaped much fruit.”
For a snapshot of Global Disciples’ impact on multiplying disciples and near-culture workers, take a look at our 2022 Annual Report

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