How Can We Reach Them?
So many people around the world face each day without knowing that God loves them. Or that His own Son, Jesus, died for them, and rose from the dead—all to give them hope and the opportunity to enjoy Him forever.
But what can you and I do? Realistically, can we “reach least-reached people”? It’s a big question.
How can we reach the more than 321 million Muslims of North Africa, and the Middle East—with little or no witness to Jesus Christ? That number of people is close to the entire population of the United States.
What about China with 462 ethnic minority people who are considered unevangelized? There are only a few believers and churches within these groups. And only a small percentage of the 1.2 billion Han Chinese are followers of Christ.
Then there’s 1.1 billion Hindus of Nepal, India, and across South Asia. What can we do to point them to the one true God, among the thousands of Hindu gods? Or the 494 million people of Buddhist background, mainly in Southeast Asia, determined to find enlightenment—but never knowing Jesus, the Light of the World.
Is there a way to reach the one-third of our world that is still waiting to hear the Good News of Jesus in a way they can respond?
Yes, there is! We can work together to equip and mobilize the Body of Christ around the world. We can train and send out those who follow Jesus and who already live within reach of these unreached people groups.
These disciples have access to regions where North American Christians can’t go. But Muslims who have come to know Jesus can reach their own people. Chinese Christians can. Former Hindus and Buddhists can share the freedom found in Christ to their people.
As Global Disciples, we focus on reaching those who have yet to hear the Good News of Jesus.
And we believe one of the most effective ways to do this is by working with and through the global Body of Christ. When we work side-by-side with believers and indigenous churches around the world, we can be part of reaching those who have yet to hear the Good News of Jesus.
It’s a big job—a task that seems impossible. But with God, nothing is impossible.

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