Meeting Needs One by One
Though her name means “evangelist”, Evangelina had never shared the Gospel with someone; she didn’t know how. Then she took part in a discipleship training hosted by her church fellowship in the Dominican Republic. As she learned what she could do, Evangelina was compelled by the Spirit to go to a community near her home. It was a neighborhood with no Christian presence, no knowledge of the Good News.
Evangelina shared the Gospel boldly and built relationships as people came to faith in Christ. Alize, a 12-year-old girl, accepted Jesus. “This is the first time someone explained the story of God and the love of Jesus to me,” she told Evangelina. Alize felt the Holy Spirit filling her life, and she was baptized with four other young people.
As Evangelina, Alize, and others gave testimony to the Gospel, entire families came to Christ. Now, the neighborhood has at least one believer in every home. Evangelina passes along what she learned to equip new believers and extend the Kingdom in this spiritually-needy area.
Like Evangelina, people often come to Global Disciples’ training with a need. As God equips them for His Kingdom work, He is also meeting their needs through training.
In Ethiopia, Megressa’s need was practical—shelter, food, and clothing for his family. His heart was to share the Gospel and minister to people, but he had nothing to live on. Even moving to a larger town had not met his family’s needs. Then Megressa was invited to a local Global Disciples Small Business Development training. It opened his eyes to what he was capable of, and how he could continue to reach others with the Gospel.
Inspired and equipped, Megressa returned to his home village and started a small farm, fattening livestock for meat. As he served his community, he also shared Christ, and within a year, 62 people received Christ as their Savior! Over 40 were baptized and a new fellowship was planted. He’s added to his livestock, built a home for his family, and spreads the Gospel daily.
Zik’s need was buried deep in his heart. A participant in a Global Disciples Leadership Development program in Zimbabwe, Zik was moved by the Holy Spirit during a session on forgiveness. He was a church leader, serving people well and sharing the Word of God, but he had a bitter heart. His younger brother had taken his land and burned his stored crops. The deep pain and betrayal made them enemies.
As he absorbed the teaching, Zik knew he needed to forgive. He went home and shared his intent with his family. He invited the community elders to mediate a meeting with his brother. Zik then faced his brother and extended forgiveness to him and his family—an act that rippled through their community as testimony of God’s power.
Today, Zik’s relationship with his brother is healed and much has been restored. At least a dozen people from their family and community have also come to faith in Jesus. And Zik continues to serve as a leader with a heart free of bitterness.
What joy to see God using our Global Disciples approach to not only meet needs, but to multiply disciples and churches through people like Zik, Megressa, and Evangelina.

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