Prayer: Let’s Mobilize and Multiply
Missions thought leader David Pope lists ten essentials if least-reached people are to hear the Gospel of Jesus: evangelism, discipleship, leadership development, church planting, prayer mobilization, Bible distribution, orality, media, humanitarian aid, and sustainable income/business. As Global Disciples, we address six of these, and we co-labor with other groups who specialize in areas we do not.
Mobilizing prayer is one of these essentials.
Of course it is. God the Father desires our involvement, our interaction with Him about His work on earth. Jesus Himself said we can pray for things to be on earth as they are in Heaven. What an invitation!
God not only invites or longs for our interaction in prayer, He joins us! Have you ever considered that two-thirds of the Godhead makes intercession? Jesus and the Holy Spirit give themselves to praying for the Father’s work in and through us, so the world will know (Romans 8:26; Hebrews 7:25).
That’s why each of the 842 trainings held this year emphasized prayer for the participants, the people they seek to reach, and Kingdom multiplication. Each of the 1,455 church clusters we work with emphasizes prayer. Every person involved with Global Disciples is asked to make prayer a core value for their life.
When you give your time to this labor of love, you are in good company—over 933 groups of committed pray-ers like these:
- A group of women in Illinois pray on a conference call each Thursday morning, using our monthly prayer calendar.
- A church in Florida includes Global Disciples in their Tuesday evening prayer meetings.
- An advocate in Oklahoma forwards our prayer requests to 100 others.
- A church in Michigan intercedes for a Muslim-dominated region every Sunday.
- Residents in two retirement communities in Pennsylvania meet each month to intercede for Kingdom multiplication and Global Disciples.
Imagine the spiritual battle these saints participate in, as they join in the intercession of Jesus and the Holy Spirit for least-reached people. If you’re praying with others or if you want to mobilize a greater prayer effort, we would love to support you with resources and contact. We’re so grateful for all who pray.
Want to fuel your life of prayer? You’ll find stories of transforming prayer in our book, Ordinary Disciples, Extraordinary Influence (ordering info on our website). Our monthly prayer calendar guides you in focused prayer; request it at Or email to set up a personal conversation.
Let’s pray for greater things, for mobilized, multiplying prayer across North America. For more and more intercessors and prayer groups on their knees, on behalf of the third of our world that has not yet heard the Good News.
—Jerry Meadows, VP Partner Relations

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