Sheep Among Wolves
The mission Jesus gave his followers is often done at great personal risk. This story reflects His people on mission where they risk everything.
“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves…”
–Jesus (Matthew 10:16)
All they did was meet to strategize about multiplying disciples among least-reached people in their restricted country. But as Jesus said, they became like sheep among wolves.
The first day that 20 leaders met post-Covid was inspiring. Reports of discipleship progress and evangelism innovation were so encouraging because of the continued growth during and despite the pandemic.
On the second morning, they bowed for prayer. When they lifted their heads again, they were startled to see 60 police officers filling their meeting room! Every leader was detained, fingerprinted, and now has a criminal record according to the government. The key local leader faces an exorbitant fine because of this little gathering of sheep. The regional coordinator, James, * who was there from a near-by nation, was interrogated and then told to leave the country immediately.
The wolves thought they won.
Sheep follow the Good Shepherd even when it is dangerous. James became a Jesus follower when he started university in the best school in his nation. He could have chosen many careers, but he chose to be a Kingdom worker in a nearby nation which was originally his homeland. This recent detainment has long-term implications. When his father, currently living in his homeland, fell ill recently, James rushed to be at his father’s side. When he tried to board a train, he was turned away at the border—he is no longer welcome in his own country.
Jesus left his heavenly homeland to come and sacrifice for us. And now, James, who works among wolves, has also lost access to his homeland as well.
Could it be that none of us are really “home” on this earth? As sheep of the Good Shepherd, we are on our way to a promised home, where He will never turn us back at the border.
Since the events at this meeting, many new fellowship leaders now see that multiplying disciples is a key to increasing the flock. Look out, wolves! The sheep are coming…
“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves…” –Jesus
*Names changed for security reasons

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