Thankful … for You!
I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your love for all his holy people and your faith in the Lord Jesus. –Philemon 4-5
What a beautiful way to express our gratitude! Giving thanks to God for those who love His people and live by faith in Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Paul wrote those words to Philemon, his “beloved fellow worker” in the cause of Christ (Philemon 1). We could just as easily write the same thing to you—our fellow workers who serve with Global Disciples through prayer, through giving, through encouraging words, and enthusiastically introducing us to your circle of influence.
Like Paul, we commend and give thanks for your faith in Jesus. Faith that has changed your life, your family, your community—and that fuels your desire to see more people come to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
We also give thanks for “your love for all his holy people”—for the saints, for the disciples of Jesus around the world who are your co-workers in sharing the Good News and building the Kingdom of God. Every prayer you pray on their behalf, every gift you give to equip and send out our brothers and sisters in the Lord—it’s all an expression of love.
Global Disciples is, in a way, a conduit that connects your faith and love with the wider Body of Christ, especially those on the frontiers working to reach least-reached people. We get to see both sides—and it gives us “great joy and encouragement, because you have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people” (Philemon 7).
As one of our team expressed it, Thank you for your heart for the least-reached. Some of the hardest-to-reach places in the world are hearing the Gospel for the first time, because of your support through prayer, finances, and influence! Your brothers and sisters around the world are praying for you as well. We are in this journey together—until the whole world knows!
Yes, we pray for you. We thank and praise God for your faith and love, and echo Paul in praying “that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ” (Philemon 6).
May you be strengthened in your understanding of all you gain and all you share because of Christ. May the stories and reports you hear from Global Disciples deepen your faith, encourage your spirit, and remind you that you are a significant part of God’s amazing work around the world.
You are deeply appreciated, loved, and prayed for by our whole Global Disciples team—and we thank God for you!

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