3 Ways to Transfer Your Values to the Next Generation
A famous actor once observed, “Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.”
As humans, our emotions and motivations are largely connected to the way we spend money. Matthew 6:21 even goes as far as to say, “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
The good news is, if you’re reading this, you’re likely someone who understands how to give generously and with purpose. Your connection with Global Disciples reveals you’ve taken the time to align your giving with your biblical values.
Do your kids and grandkids know how to do the same? Here are three ways you can transfer your values to the next generation and help them make God-honoring decisions they can feel proud of:
- Write it down. We pick up messages through subtle or unspoken cues daily, but the clearest way to communicate one’s thoughts is to put them in writing. Compose letters for your loved ones that share personal stories, lessons you’ve learned, your journey of faith, and loving words that explain how you feel about them. You could also draft an ethical will which adds a personal, heartfelt dimension to your legacy plan. Be clear about what you want them to know.
- Collaborate missionally. Do you have funds earmarked for blessing Christian organizations? Invite your loved ones to share input on where you give, then donate together. Or perhaps you volunteer time toward a cause you’re passionate about. Invite family into an afternoon of serving the Lord together. By demonstrating your closely held values in action, they’ll have a roadmap to do the same.
- Make yourself available. The most meaningful investment you can make in the life of your children or grandchildren is yourself. Be a reliable and trustworthy source. Be generous with your time, your presence, and your listening ear. Your love will speak volumes and set a powerful Christ-like example.
Don’t miss out on your opportunity to share the most important things. Inspire the next generation to live and give with purpose. That’s a legacy that will truly last.

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