Multiplication Works!
According to legend, when the game of chess was created in ancient times, the creator offered it to a king. The complexities of the game thrilled the king, and he asked the inventor what he would like in return.
“One grain of rice doubled with each square of the chess board.”
The king laughed at the odd request and quickly agreed. After all, he had a full storehouse of rice. But when the court treasurer began adding it up, he quickly realized this was about multiplication. One grain of rice on the first square, two on the second, four on the third square, eight on the fourth, and so on. To grant this request would take a mountain of rice!
When Jesus said, “Go and make disciples,” He knew how multiplication worked. When the Apostle Paul exhorted Timothy to “teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others,” it was an intentional, Kingdom-building strategy.
It is based on that premise that Global Disciples is seeing exponential growth, since we have been focused for 26 years on just one mission: multiplying disciples among least-reached people.
Thank you for being part of the tremendous impact we anticipate over the next few years! By the great grace of our Lord, the prayers of the saints, and your generosity, this multiplication continues. The question now is how will you help multiply the vision to reach the third who have never heard?
Here are a few ways to you can multiply your involvement and join Christ-followers around the globe in multiplying disciples:
- Add Global Disciples’ prayer requests into your current church or prayer group. We can equip you with regular prayer requests and, in some situations, updates on specific regions or countries. Currently, 605 intercessory groups around the world are praying for this work.
- Invite a Global Disciples staff member to come and meet with a group of business-minded, mission-hearted people in your community. Host a “Lunch and Learn” for area business or church leaders. We would be glad to lead a discussion for thought leaders or to make a short presentation.
- Present this mission to your sphere of influence and ask friends and colleagues to get involved. We can equip you with stories to tell and an easy way to express what God is doing. Why not ask them to help fund a training? Or consider using our annual Match as a way to get a group started in multiplying their resources.
To connect on these impact-making opportunities, contact our Partner Relations team at Global Disciples.
–Jerry Meadows, VP US Partner Relations

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