Get Involved
Living as a disciple of Jesus begins with the decision to put your faith in Jesus Christ for salvation and eternal life. It also requires daily, moment-by-moment choices determined by your primary allegiance and loyalty to Christ. We invite you to consider making this pledge—not as a commitment to any organization, church, or group—but as a visible, concrete way of saying, “I want to live as a disciple of Jesus with a global perspective to advance the kingdom of God.”

Our Pledge
I am a global disciple of Jesus.
My allegiance is to Jesus Christ. He is the Living Word of God, as revealed by the Holy Spirit and through the Bible.
I want to do my part so everyone has the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus and to choose if they will believe and follow Him. My desire is to see each person experience the transforming love of Jesus, live in the fullness of the Spirit, and enjoy God forever.
As a participant in a local expression of the global Body of Christ, I am united in heart and purpose with sisters and brothers of many nations, ethnic groups, languages, and churches to glorify God and to make Him known.
I believe my part as a global disciples of Jesus Christ is to:
Pursue intimacy with God as my Creator, Provider, and Father, through Jesus my Savior, Lord, and Friend.
Love others as Jesus loves them, relating and serving as witnesses in word and deed, loving even enemies.
Pray diligently for people who don’t yet know Christ, especially those unreached with the Good News.
Live generously as a steward of all God has entrusted to me, being an ambassador of our generous Master.
Rely on the Holy Spirit and the Bible to lead, guide, and empower me to live, love, and serve for God’s glory.
Sign The Pledge
This pledge has been signed by tens of thousands of people from around the world.
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