A Prayer for a New Year
As a new year begins, what will you be praying for? Drawing on Matthew 6:9-13, and the pattern of prayer that Jesus gave us, Galen shares something he’s praying.
As I pray, I begin by worshipping our Father God as Creator and Lord of the universe. Our all-powerful and all-knowing Father knows us completely yet still loves us. And welcomes each one as a son/daughter! I enjoy taking time to bask in that reality—in his perfect and unconditional love.
Then comes this line: Your kingdom come…
Lord, may your kingdom come in my life, in my thoughts and in my attitudes—and my motivations. Father, I am so easily distracted and so quick to feel frustrated or impatient. Holy Spirit, I need you to help me keep my eyes on Jesus—to see the world as He does. I want to be more like you, Jesus! To love as you love, to be moved by your compassion, to serve as you served…
Lord, may your kingdom come in my relationship with my wife and our kids, and our grandchildren. I want to represent You to them, to have my words, my responses, my actions and interactions to be more like you—more like you in my character, in the tone of my voice, in how I spend my time…
And Lord, may your kingdom come in their lives! I long for each one—my son and our daughters, and their spouses, and all their children—to love you with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength! From generation to generation until you return, Jesus, may they be sold out and fully surrendered to you! I’m believing for that. I’m crying out for Your Glory…
And oh Lord, may your kingdom come in and through the ministry of Global Disciples. Father, thank you for every member of our team around the world. They each are amazing gifts to this ministry and in my life. You’ve put this team together in such a masterful way. You’ve brought just the right people at the right time, though not always as quickly as I had hoped. You have done us well Jesus, so well!
As I walk around my neighborhood, Lord, may your kingdom come here where you’ve planted us, where we live. I get so busy going here and there, that sometimes I feel like a real failure as a witness for you here, Jesus. I want everyone in this neighborhood to know you. Some do, but many don’t. Oh Holy Spirit, I need your strategies and your love for each one imparted in my heart. I want to be compelled by your love, not guilt driven—but convicted of the importance of my witness here.
I started with one phrase of a prayer burning on my heart, to see your kingdom come. There’s so much more I didn’t get to! I wonder if you didn’t expect that would happen, Jesus, when you gave us this sample prayer. Amen.
Where do you want to see God’s kingdom come in your life? In your family? In your community or church? In your business or labor or education? In your sphere of influence or the broader world? Then pray that, today and through the coming year.
And this year, as you pray “may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).

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