Six Perspectives to Shape Your Giving
Global Disciples exists so that Christ-followers in many nations can be equipped to reach their nations with the Good News of Jesus—especially those who are least-reached. We want to make disciples who see the world, their lives, their purpose, and other people as God sees them.
We are passionate about our mission of enabling churches around the world to multiply disciples of Jesus, workers for the harvest, and Christ-like leaders—so the world will know Jesus. We trust God to supply our needs to carry this out, and we invite His people to support these efforts as they pray and give financially. Our view of money influences our approach in asking people like you to give—so that everyone has an opportunity to choose if they will believe and follow Jesus.
Global Disciples has a defined philosophy of giving and fundraising. As we give and invite others to give, here are some of the biblical perspectives we embrace:
- God owns it all (1 Chronicles 29:16, Matthew 6:25-34, 1 Corinthians 10:26). God has provided us with our time, wealth, possessions, and resources. God owns everything. These resources are His gifts to us, that God uses for his glory, to fulfill his mission and do amazing things for His Kingdom.
- God calls us as stewards of His resources (1 Peter 4:10, Luke 12:42- 48). Since God owns everything, we as Christians are called to be managers or stewards of all that God entrusts to us, to honor and glorify Him, and to do our part in advancing His Kingdom.
- Our giving reflects our gratitude (Mark 12:41-44, 2 Corinthians 8:1-2). God’s abundant grace has been poured into our lives. He became poor for our sakes (2 Corinthians 8:9), redeemed us to be His children and has given us an eternal inheritance! Our giving reflects our gratitude for what God has provided and demonstrates a growing faith relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives.
- Our giving is to God (Romans 12:1; Philippians 4:17). Giving is a worshipful, obedient, and joyful act of giving back to God what He has provided to us. In our hearts, giving should always be directed to God and His work. This means that ultimately, our giving is a spiritual decision.
- God is watching our giving (Romans 14:12; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Luke 16:1-14). From God’s view, our giving becomes a tool to further His work on earth and a test to determine what we’ll receive, in this life and in heaven. Our giving demonstrates that our lives reflect the values of Jesus.
- God is the Fundraiser (1 Chronicles 29:9; 2 Corinthians 9:7). When needs are shared which reflect God’s mission, purposes and concerns, the response is from the heart. God is the One who, by the Holy Spirit, stirs our hearts, moves our spirits, and motivates us to act and give generously.
These perspectives free us to joyfully give generously and to invite others—people like you—to participate with Global Disciples in advancing God’s Kingdom!
–Galen Burkholder, Founder, Global Disciples

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